
UK Data Service variable record for:

Community Life COVID-19 Re-contact Survey, 2020

Variable Details

LabelGave to charity in last 4 weeks: Collections using a charity envelope/cheque in the post
Question text In the last 4 weeks, have you given money to charity in any of the following ways? Please exclude donating goods or prizes. Please select all that apply. Donations A. Money to collection tins (e.g. door-to-door, in the street, in a pub, at work, on a shop counter, etc.) B. Collection at church, mosque or other place of worship C. Collections using a charity envelope/cheque in the post D. Covenant or debit from salary, payroll giving E. Donation – via direct debit, standing order F. Giving to people begging on the street G. Donation – in person or on phone (excluding online or via text message) H. Donation – online/via website I. Donation – by text message J. Donation – via an ATM/cash machine K. Donation – made through contactless technology Purchases/fundraising L. Buying raffle tickets (NOT national or health lottery) M. Buying goods from a charity shop, catalogue or online N. Making a purchase where the price includes a charitable donation/or where you can add a charitable donation to the purchase O. Buying tickets or spending money at fundraising events (e.g. charity dinners, fetes, jumble sales) Sponsorship P. Sponsorship (not online) Q. Sponsorship (online) Other R. Other method of giving (excluding donating goods or prizes) (specify) S. Did not give money to charity
0 No 2623
1 Yes 169
-9 Refused 13
-8 Don't Know 7
-1 Item not applicable 0
DisclaimerPlease note that these frequencies are not weighted.
LocationCommunity Life COVID-19 Re-contact Survey, 2020
UniverseRespondents to the CLS.
SamplingMulti-stage stratified random sample
Study TypeFollow-up to cross-sectional study Repeated cross-sectional study