
UK Data Service variable record for:

Quarterly Labour Force Survey Household Dataset, October - December, 2020

Variable Details

LabelHighest City and Guilds qualification
Question text Is your highest City & Guilds qualification... advanced craft/part 3, craft/part 2, foundation/part 1, other City & Guilds qualification?
1 Advanced craft/Part 3 1145
2 Craft/Part 2 621
3 Foundation/Part 1 262
4 Other 681
5 Don't know 1217
-9 Does not apply 73160
-8 No answer 1
DisclaimerPlease note that these frequencies are not weighted.
LocationQuarterly Labour Force Survey Household Dataset, October - December, 2020
Interviewer InstructionsCODE FIRST THAT APPLIES
UniverseHouseholds in Great Britain and Northern Ireland.