
UK Data Service variable record for:

Quarterly Labour Force Survey, Household Dataset, January - March, 2023

Variable Details

LabelCurrent job was obtained (if within last 3 months)
Question text Did you get the work that you were doing/were away from in the week ending Sunday [date], through... replying to a job advertisement, a JobCentre/Jobmarket or Training Employment Agency Office, a Careers/Connexions Office, a JobClub, a private employment agency or business, hearing from someone who worked there, a direct application, or in some other way?
1 Reply to advertisement 1641
2 Job Centre 110
3 Careers Office 22
4 Jobclub 1
5 Private employment agency,business 346
6 Hearing from someone who worked there 871
7 Direct application 704
8 Some other way 468
-9 Does not apply 56016
-8 No answer 16
DisclaimerPlease note that these frequencies are not weighted.
LocationQuarterly Labour Force Survey, Household Dataset, January - March, 2023
Interviewer InstructionsCode 1st that applies.
UniverseHouseholds in Great Britain and Northern Ireland.