
UK Data Service variable record for:

Quarterly Labour Force Survey, Household Dataset, April - June, 2023

Variable Details

LabelAge when completed full time education
Question text How old were you when you finished your continuous full-time education?
5 3
6 4
8 2
9 5
10 6
11 19
12 31
13 40
14 162
15 1982
16 10196
17 2784
18 6195
19 1473
20 1087
21 4350
22 3423
23 1674
24 888
25 546
26 320
27 182
28 115
29 74
30 56
31 21
32 22
33 14
34 9
35 11
36 16
37 8
38 6
39 7
40 7
41 3
42 4
43 3
44 2
45 2
46 4
47 4
48 2
50 1
51 1
52 2
55 2
57 1
96 Still in education 2258
97 Never had an education 51
-9 Does not apply 17203
-8 No answer 230
DisclaimerPlease note that these frequencies are not weighted.
LocationQuarterly Labour Force Survey, Household Dataset, April - June, 2023
Interviewer InstructionsASK OR RECORD Answer entered as an age. 96 = still in continuous education. 97 = never had continuous education.
UniverseHouseholds in Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
SamplingSample drawn from main LFS data. See documentation for details.
Study TypeUntil 2015, data were produced from the April-June and October-December quarters of the main LFS each year. From January 2015, the household datasets are produced for each quarter.