
UK Data Service variable record for:

Quarterly Labour Force Survey Household Dataset, July - September, 2023

Variable Details

LabelHow many fewer hours would like to work
Question text How many fewer hours would you like to work in your job?
1 14
2 39
3 35
4 68
5 187
6 69
7 339
8 398
9 45
10 353
11 7
12 65
13 21
14 45
15 129
16 56
17 23
18 20
19 4
20 138
21 8
22 10
23 4
24 23
25 17
26 2
27 1
28 1
30 30
31 1
35 4
36 1
37 3
38 3
40 12
44 1
45 2
48 2
51 1
52 1
75 1
97 97 or more 0
99 Did not know / No answer 0
-9 Does not apply 43770
-8 No answer 57
DisclaimerPlease note that these frequencies are not weighted.
LocationQuarterly Labour Force Survey Household Dataset, July - September, 2023
Interviewer Instructions97=97 hours or more
UniverseHouseholds in Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
SamplingSample drawn from main LFS data. See documentation for details.
Study TypeUntil 2015, data were produced from the April-June and October-December quarters of the main LFS each year. From January 2015, the household datasets are produced for each quarter.