Due to my religion |
1 |
1 |
Spices too strong |
1 |
Too hot for him |
1 |
Unable to chew them as no teeth yet |
1 |
1 |
advised by health visitor |
2 |
advised not to |
1 |
advised to by health visitor |
1 |
advised to by healthvisitor |
1 |
against religious belief |
1 |
ambiguity over effects on health |
1 |
animal fats to try vegetarian diet |
1 |
artificial-never sure of sources |
1 |
as above |
1 |
as it is not halal |
1 |
as shr does not likeany fish |
1 |
avoid pork too young |
1 |
avoid spicy food |
1 |
baby does not like |
1 |
baby does not like it |
1 |
baby does not like it |
1 |
baby doesn't like them |
1 |
baby finds flavour too strong |
1 |
baby is lacto-vegetarian |
1 |
baby rejects it |
1 |
baby too young |
1 |
because I don't believe good quality mea |
1 |
because of her age |
1 |
because there's a lot of salt in tin foo |
1 |
cannot control quantity in bought food |
1 |
cannot swallow them |
1 |
cheaper and healthier to make own |
1 |
chewing problems |
1 |
choking hazard |
1 |
clinics advice |
1 |
contains gluten |
1 |
corpse |
1 |
cows milk - babys under 1 shldnt have |
1 |
didnt like it |
1 |
dislike |
1 |
dislikes will not eat |
1 |
ditto |
1 |
does not like it |
1 |
does not like them |
1 |
does not want to develop bad habits |
1 |
doesnt like |
1 |
don't eat much myself |
1 |
don't know what "e" numbers are |
1 |
egg-makes her sick |
1 |
es she gets protein from other foods |
1 |
family doesn't eat much red meat |
1 |
family don't eat spicy foods |
1 |
family is vegetarian |
1 |
fat |
1 |
fattening |
1 |
fish - bones |
1 |
for religious reasons |
1 |
fresh veg only |
1 |
frozen tuna tastes bitter |
1 |
gets protein from lentils cheese and egg |
1 |
he has asthma/ecxematriggered by this |
1 |
he spits it out |
1 |
health visitor advise |
1 |
health visitors saidonly to give at 12m |
1 |
hindu's |
1 |
i don't like red meat |
1 |
i don't want her to eat beef |
1 |
i think too young tohave salt in food |
1 |
lumpy food |
1 |
made baby sick |
1 |
makes baby too thirsty |
1 |
makes her sick |
1 |
milk intolerant |
1 |
mother's vegetarian doesn't cook it |
1 |
much too young,stops yearning sweet food |
1 |
mum doesn't eat it |
1 |
muslim religion do not eat the pig |
1 |
my family do not eat beef |
1 |
no curry too strong |
1 |
not able to chew it properly as yet |
1 |
not get used to foodwith salt |
1 |
not meat eaters |
1 |
not old enough allergies |
1 |
not ready for it yet |
1 |
not recommended |
1 |
not suitable for baby |
1 |
not too keen on potatoes |
1 |
own preference |
1 |
parents are vegetarian |
1 |
parents never eat it |
1 |
possibility of adverse effects later |
1 |
prefer basic naturalingredients |
1 |
prefers natural ingredients |
1 |
religion |
1 |
religious reasons |
1 |
she is lacto-vegetarian |
1 |
strawberries books say allergic reaction |
1 |
strong flavours babydoesn't like it |
1 |
stronger flavour |
1 |
they are not in REALfood |
1 |
think food should be organically produce |
1 |
tomatoes because of the pips |
1 |
tomatoes make baby sick |
1 |
too greasy |
1 |
too harsh for stomach |
1 |
too hot |
1 |
too much sugar |
1 |
too rich |
1 |
too rich-makes my daughter sick |
1 |
too spicy |
1 |
too strong |
3 |
too strong flavour |
2 |
too strong in flavour |
1 |
too young |
1 |
too young and bones |
1 |
too young to digest properley |
1 |
try to give pire foods |
1 |
trying to leave sweets as late as poss |
1 |
unsure of ingredients |
1 |
vegatarian |
1 |
vegetarian |
24 |
vegetarian family |
1 |
vegetarians |
2 |
we are vegetarian |
1 |
we do not eat it |
1 |
we're all vegetarian |
1 |
worry about bones |
1 |