
UK Data Service variable record for:

Metropolitan Police Public Attitudes Surveys, 2000-2017

Variable Details

LabelQ6 Why do you say that?
0 No other mention 0
1 Not enough visible police/don’t see many/less police around 4187
2 See them driving/patrolling the area / more police around 4130
3 Haven't heard any trouble/Had any problem 1376
4 Police are good / do a good job 1175
5 Just satisfied/happy/ ok/ no complaints 798
6 Still a lot of trouble in area/ dangerous 126
7 The area is safe/safer / clean/cleaner 485
8 Don't always/take too long to respond 190
9 Quick response 151
10 Gangs / rowdies / teenagers still hanging about 114
11 It’s quiet/ quieter 208
12 Always room for improvement/ could do more 137
13 Little crime here/crime down 210
14 They're very helpful/sympathetic/ friendly 150
15 They are trying/Do their best 161
16 Improved a lot/ getting better 115
17 No reason to be involved/ no dealings / don't know much abou 426
18 Nice/good area 180
19 Lived here a long time/ used to it/know lots of people in th 7
20 See community police / A lot of community officers 458
21 Personal Experience/Experience of friend or family 138
22 Drug dealing still going on 29
23 Nothing seems to be done about vandalism/ graffiti 2
24 No change 34
25 There is a high increase of burglary 19
26 Been dealing with gangs / teenagers loitering etc 26
27 Dissatisfied with police response 107
28 Satisfied with police response 130
29 Dissatisfied with police generally 96
30 Satisfied with police generally 28
31 Police are good at communication 14
32 Easy to contact police/police station near 37
33 Poor communication/Difficult to contact police 26
34 General concerns about safety of area 27
35 Concerns about specific crime/issues in area 110
36 Concerns about residents in area 3
37 Improved safety/security in area 8
38 Changes in area 4
39 Satisfied with ASB measures 2
40 Concerns about ASB measures 14
41 Police have hard job/ too easy to criticise / need more reso 56
42 Police target specific people / can be racist 20
43 Information from leaflets/Papers 8
44 Neighbourhood Watch in area 15
45 Other 79
46 They keep law and order 5
47 Haven’t seen much of the service they have rendered 6
48 I haven’t lived here very long 59
49 Over policed 5
50 No night security 4
51 Police do little to gain control of situations 3
52 Increase in crime 14
997 Don’t know 1537
998 None 687
999 Missing (inc Q5=don’t know) 111
DisclaimerPlease note that these frequencies are not weighted.
LocationMetropolitan Police Public Attitudes Surveys, 2000-2017