
UK Data Service variable record for:

Metropolitan Police Public Attitudes Surveys, 2000-2017

Variable Details

LabelQ6 Why do you say that?
0 No other mention 0
1 Not enough visible police/don’t see many/less police around 0
2 See them driving/patrolling the area / more police around 0
3 Haven't heard any trouble/Had any problem 0
4 Police are good / do a good job 0
5 Just satisfied/happy/ ok/ no complaints 0
6 Still a lot of trouble in area/ dangerous 0
7 The area is safe/safer / clean/cleaner 0
8 Don't always/take too long to respond 0
9 Quick response 0
10 Gangs / rowdies / teenagers still hanging about 0
11 It’s quiet/ quieter 0
12 Always room for improvement/ could do more 0
13 Little crime here/crime down 0
14 They're very helpful/sympathetic/ friendly 0
15 They are trying/Do their best 0
16 Improved a lot/ getting better 0
17 No reason to be involved/ no dealings / don't know much abou 0
18 Nice/good area 0
19 Lived here a long time/ used to it/know lots of people in th 0
20 See community police / A lot of community officers 0
21 Personal Experience/Experience of friend or family 0
22 Drug dealing still going on 0
23 Nothing seems to be done about vandalism/ graffiti 0
24 No change 0
25 There is a high increase of burglary 0
26 Been dealing with gangs / teenagers loitering etc 0
27 Dissatisfied with police response 0
28 Satisfied with police response 0
29 Dissatisfied with police generally 0
30 Satisfied with police generally 0
31 Police are good at communication 0
32 Easy to contact police/police station near 0
33 Poor communication/Difficult to contact police 0
34 General concerns about safety of area 0
35 Concerns about specific crime/issues in area 0
36 Concerns about residents in area 0
37 Improved safety/security in area 0
38 Changes in area 0
39 Satisfied with ASB measures 0
40 Concerns about ASB measures 0
41 Police have hard job/ too easy to criticise / need more reso 0
42 Police target specific people / can be racist 0
43 Information from leaflets/Papers 0
44 Neighbourhood Watch in area 0
45 Other 0
46 They keep law and order 0
47 Haven’t seen much of the service they have rendered 0
48 I haven’t lived here very long 0
49 Over policed 0
50 No night security 0
51 Police do little to gain control of situations 0
52 Increase in crime 0
997 Don’t know 0
998 None 0
999 Missing (inc Q5=don’t know) 0
DisclaimerPlease note that these frequencies are not weighted.
LocationMetropolitan Police Public Attitudes Surveys, 2000-2017