
UK Data Service variable record for:

Continuous Recording of Social Housing Lettings and Sales (CORE), 2007/08-2015/16

Variable Details

LabelPrevious Tenure_Recoded
1 LA General Needs tenancy 129
2 HA General needs tenancy 326
3 Private sector tenancy 109
4 Tied housing or renting with job 1
6 Supported housing 90
7 Direct access hostel 3
8 Housing for older people 31
9 Residential care home 17
14 Bed and breakfast 39
15 Short life housing 0
16 Living with family 0
17 Living with friends 0
18 Any other temporary accom 12
19 Rough sleeping 1
22 Foyer 0
23 Mobile home or caravan 6
25 Other 106
26 Owner occupation (private) 128
27 Owner occupation (low cost home ownership) 2
28 Living with friends or family 98
DisclaimerPlease note that these frequencies are not weighted.
LocationContinuous Recording of Social Housing Lettings and Sales (CORE), 2007/08-2015/16