
UK Data Service variable record for:

Continuous Recording of Social Housing Lettings and Sales (CORE), 2007/08-2015/16

Variable Details

LabelPrevious Tenure_Recoded
1 LA General Needs tenancy 4891
2 HA General needs tenancy 8793
3 Private sector tenancy 9019
4 Tied housing or renting with job 206
6 Supported housing 950
7 Direct access hostel 296
8 Housing for older people 22
9 Residential care home 29
14 Bed and breakfast 349
15 Short life housing 0
16 Living with family 0
17 Living with friends 0
18 Any other temporary accom 2921
19 Rough sleeping 140
22 Foyer 0
23 Mobile home or caravan 86
25 Other 2374
26 Owner occupation (private) 781
27 Owner occupation (low cost home ownership) 35
28 Living with friends or family 8021
DisclaimerPlease note that these frequencies are not weighted.
LocationContinuous Recording of Social Housing Lettings and Sales (CORE), 2007/08-2015/16