
UK Data Service variable record for:

National Child Development Study: Sweep 9, 2013

Variable Details

LabelWhen period of economic activity ended - Month
Question text When did that period of [^Economic Activity] [^with that employer93] end? If you don’t know the precise month, please give your best estimate.
0 Before 2000 0
1 January 355
2 February 279
3 March 497
4 April 377
5 May 328
6 June 346
7 July 409
8 August 410
9 September 468
10 October 360
11 November 299
12 December 354
-9 Refused 0
-8 Don't know 1
-1 not applicable 0
DisclaimerPlease note that these frequencies are not weighted.
LocationNational Child Development Study: Sweep 9, 2013
Interviewer InstructionsSelect the month and year in the calendar below by clicking in the relevant box on the line labelled ‘What you were doing’. SELECT THE MONTH AND YEAR IN THE CALENDAR BELOW BY CLICKING IN THE RELEVANT BOX ON THE LINE LABELLED ‘WHAT YOU WERE DOING’, THEN CLICK NEXT.
UniverseLocation of units of observation: National;Population: Adults in Great Britain born in one particular week in 1958 (NCDS9 respondents aged 55).
SamplingNo sampling (total universe)
Study TypeLongitudinal/panel/cohort