
UK Data Service variable record for:

National Child Development Study: Sweep 9, 2013

Variable Details

LabelWhich of the following best describes what you were doing next?
Question text You ended that period of [^Economic activity: full-time employment / part-time employment/full-time self employment/part-time self employment/unemployment/full-time education/government scheme for employment training/temporary sickness/disabilit/ long-term sickness/disability/looking after the home/family/retirement / [verbatim from OTHACT1 or CLOTHACT1]] in [^Date finished previous economic activity/ job]. Which of the following best describes what you were doing next?
1 Employee - in paid work 2337
2 Self employed 554
3 Unemployed and seeking work 633
4 In full-time education 24
5 On govt. scheme for employment training 6
6 Sick or disabled 177
7 Looking after home/family 248
8 Wholly retired 265
9 Something else 229
-9 Refused 8
-8 Don't know 2
-1 not applicable 0
DisclaimerPlease note that these frequencies are not weighted.
LocationNational Child Development Study: Sweep 9, 2013
Interviewer InstructionsCODE ONLY ONE MAIN ACTIVITY.
UniverseLocation of units of observation: National;Population: Adults in Great Britain born in one particular week in 1958 (NCDS9 respondents aged 55).
SamplingNo sampling (total universe)
Study TypeLongitudinal/panel/cohort