
UK Data Service variable record for:

Young Lives: an International Study of Childhood Poverty: Round 4, 2013-2014

Variable Details

LabelIn the last 4 years, what was the disaster?
1 Erupci 0
2 Cicl 1
3 Sequ 3
4 Avalancha, huayco 32
5 Terremoto 2
6 Desborde del r 11
7 Nevada / ola de fr 31
8 Incendio forestal 1
10 Falta de cosecha debido a par 24
11 Otro (especificar) 45
12 Brote de plagas / enfermedades que afectan al ganado / anima 23
13 Brote de plagas / enfermedades que afectan a los seres human 40
14 Erosi 2
15 Tsunami 0
16 Fuerte lluvia 6
77 NS 0
79 NqC 0
88 NA 0
DisclaimerPlease note that these frequencies are not weighted.
LocationYoung Lives: an International Study of Childhood Poverty: Round 4, 2013-2014