
UK Data Service variable record for:

Young Lives: an International Study of Childhood Poverty: Round 4, 2013-2014

Variable Details

LabelShocks that have happened to the household
1 Theft or destruction? (e.g. cash, crops, livestock, destruct 1931
10 Forced contributions or arbitrary taxation or protection mon 1931
12 Large increase in input prices 1931
13 Large decrease in output prices 1931
14 Livestock died 1931
16 Job loss/source of income/family enterprise 1931
23 Disputes with neighbours/PA members regarding land or assets 1931
24 Drought 1931
25 Too much rain or flood 1931
26 Erosion, Cracks or landslide 1931
27 Frosts or hailstorm 1931
28 Pests or diseases that affected crops before they were harve 1931
29 Crops failed 1931
30 Pests or diseases that led to storage losses 1931
31 Pests or diseases that affected livestock 1931
32 Fire or collapse of building 1931
34 Death of YL Child’s father 1931
35 Death of YL Child’s mother 1931
36 Death of another person from the household 1931
37 Illness of YL Child’s father 1931
38 Illness of YL Child’s mother 1931
39 Illness of other household member 1931
40 Divorce, separation or abandonment 1931
41 Birth/new household member 1931
42 Child’s school enrolment – having to pay school fees 1931
45 Other, specify 1931
47 Increase in the price of food that I buy 1931
48 Storm 1931
61 Illness of non-household member 1931
DisclaimerPlease note that these frequencies are not weighted.
LocationYoung Lives: an International Study of Childhood Poverty: Round 4, 2013-2014