
UK Data Service variable record for:

Role of Community-Based Initiatives in Energy Saving, 2010-2014

Variable Details

LabelWhat would household spend on if spare money available [Q1 iv Other]
1 Absorb into the monthly expenditure due to the ever increasi 1
2 Aside from savings I may consider investing it 1
3 Both ii) and iii) 1
4 Building activity...extension completed 1
5 Building work 1
6 City break 1
7 Clear debt 1
8 Contingeny for an extension 1
9 Cover other household expenditure 1
10 Day to day living expenses 1
11 Depending on the amount I would look to reducing my mortgage 1
12 Downsizing to a bungalow 1
13 Extension costs. 1
16 Help my daughter with home rental costs 1
17 Holiday 2
18 House projects - new lawn, porch 1
19 Invest in stocks or shares 1
20 Investment 1
21 It would be used to offset the mortgage debt 1
22 Leave it in short term savings. 1
23 Leave it until needed. 1
24 Maintenance of house ,car 1
25 Make mortgage and debt repayments 1
26 Mortgage 1
27 Mortgage payment 1
28 Mortgage payments 1
29 Mortgage repayment 1
30 N/A 0
31 No Spare money 1
32 Offset mortgage 2
33 Other investments, such as property 1
34 Pay Debt 1
35 Pay Debts 1
36 Pay additional taxes or holiday 1
37 Pay debt 1
38 Pay down some debt 1
39 Pay down some debt. 1
40 Pay mortgage 1
41 Pay of other bills 1
42 Pay off a loan I have for the cost of two new doors 1
43 Pay off any bills 1
44 Pay off bank loan more quickly 1
45 Pay off credit cards 1
46 Pay off debt 3
47 Pay off debt or spend on things we need for house. 1
48 Pay off debts 4
49 Pay off debts and/or save it for a rainy day 1
50 Pay off existing debts. 1
51 Pay off load for recent house extension 1
52 Pay off mortgage 4
53 Pay off mortgage/credit cards 1
54 Pay off outstanding credit card bills 1
55 Pay off over draft 1
56 Pay off the mortgage 1
57 Pay other bills 2
58 Paying off Christmas!! 1
59 Payoff divorce debts 1
60 Possible trip to see family in Australia 1
61 Provide additional financial support my sons 1
62 Purchase second property 1
63 Put it in short term instant access savings e.g. an e-saver 1
64 Put it in short term savings 1
65 Put it in short-term savings. 1
66 Put it into savings (replacing what we recently spent) 1
67 Put it towards Mortgage payments 1
68 Put it towards credit card bills 2
69 Put it towards extra Mortgage payments 1
70 Put it towards house decoration 1
71 Put some towards something and some in long term savings 1
73 Reduce debt 3
74 Reduce debts 1
75 Reduce the mortgage 1
76 Repay loans 1
77 Save for a rainy day 1
78 Save for future purposes 1
79 Save in easy access for repairs/replacements etc as things a 1
80 Save it or put it towards something. 1
81 Save some and also put it towards something for the house. 1
82 Save towards the costs of moving ie downsizing. 1
83 Saving for holiday in 2014 1
84 Short term savings 1
85 Short term savings or a holiday. Alternatively if I can iden 1
86 Short term savings or towards a holiday 1
87 Spend as part of overall household expenditure. 1
88 Spend it on a Triple glazed Front door to complete our insta 1
89 Spend some and invest the rest. 1
90 Spend some of teh money on new bathrooms 1
91 Subsidise our children and grandchildren 1
92 Supporting Family 1
93 Tax bill 1
94 Use it to offset rises in the cost of goods and services to 1
95 Vintage cars & Holidays 1
96 We do not have spare money as we only pay ourselves what we 1
97 We don't have spare money - we only draw from the business w 1
98 a combination of long term and short term savings 1
99 absorbed into family account 1
100 additional payments to mortgage 1
101 dwcorating 1
102 go on a cruise 1
103 help to pay off mortgage 1
104 holiday 1
105 holiday or social activity 0
106 home improvement 1
107 house extension 1
108 invest or pay off mortgage 1
109 investment 1
110 leave it until we need it. 1
111 make additional mortgage payments 1
112 not spend it!! 1
113 offset account for mortgage 1
114 pay debts 1
115 pay my hmrc bill 1
116 pay off credit card bills 1
117 pay off debts 2
118 pay off existing debts 1
119 pay off more of my credit card 1
120 pay off mortgage 5
121 pay off mortgage, leave it in long term saving 1
122 pay other bills 1
123 pay some bills 1
124 premium bonds 1
125 property investment 1
126 put it into savings 1
127 put it towards payments etc (debt payments) 1
128 repay debt 1
129 short term savings 1
130 some from of better investment than long term savings 1
131 spend on holiday 1
132 storm damage repairs 1
Sysmiss 1344
DisclaimerPlease note that these frequencies are not weighted.
LocationRole of Community-Based Initiatives in Energy Saving, 2010-2014