
UK Data Service variable record for:

Role of Community-Based Initiatives in Energy Saving, 2010-2014

Variable Details

LabelWhat would household spend on, if answerd 1 or 2 in list (categorical)
1 'A' Rated Everest Double glazing i.e.last 3 windows to be up 1
2 2013 Holiday & Vintage car maintenance 1
4 A Holiday 1
5 A boat 1
6 A day out for the kids 1
7 A different car 1
8 A family treat - theme park, holiday etc or something practi 1
9 A gift for our grandchildren or towards a holiday. 1
10 A holiday 6
11 A holiday for next year. 1
12 A holiday or home improvements 1
13 A holiday, new car or home improvement. 1
14 A holiday, or improving the house 1
15 A holiday/Home improvements 1
16 A meal or something to do with the kids 1
17 A necessity, to reduce depletion of savings 1
18 A new bathroom 1
19 A new buggy for our new baby 1
20 A new sewing machine 1
21 A purchase that is already necessary 1
22 A trip out or something special 1
23 A trip to South Africa 1
24 Activities, days out, visiting etc 1
25 Anniversary celebration 1
26 Baby equipment as needed 1
27 Baby things 1
28 Bills 1
29 Boiler 1
30 Building projects 1
31 Building projects, furniture 1
32 Buy consumer goods 1
35 Car 3
36 Car or Holiday 1
37 Car repairs/replacement? 1
38 Car replacement 1
39 Car service 1
40 Caravan 1
41 Childrens university fees 1
42 Childs education and buying a new house. 1
43 Christmas 3
44 Christmas Presents 1
45 Christmas or birthday presents probably. 1
46 Christmas presents 1
47 Commission the building of a boat._x000D_ Repay mortgage. 0
48 Considering installing downstairs cloakroom in my house 1
50 DIY round the house & Garden 1
51 Day trips, outings 1
52 Debt Clearance 1
53 Debt reduction 1
54 Debt repayment or put towards a big domestic purchase if nee 1
55 Decorating 1
56 Decorating ,home improvements 1
57 Decorating and home improvements 1
58 Decorating and purchasing of new furniture. 1
59 Decorating house. 2
60 Decorating or garden 1
61 Decorating or new carpet 1
62 Decorating our house 1
63 Decorating the house 1
64 Decoration upstairs - window 0
65 Doing the kitchen 1
66 Double Glazing 3
67 Double glazing 1
68 Double glazing. 1
69 Downsizing to a later modern and more economical Modern car 1
70 Driveway improvements 1
71 Either car maintenance or house improvements 1
72 Either furniture or something in the kitchen 1
73 Either items for the home, or donig something together as a 1
74 Electrics, re-decoarating the house 1
75 Entertainment or my grandchildren 1
76 Expecting baby. 1
77 Extend the house or buy another boat (dingy) 1
78 Extension 2
79 Extention 1
80 Fence repairs 1
81 Final 3off Everest A+ Double Gazed Windows + Vintage car res 1
82 For a rainy day, car repairs, domestic emergencies. 1
83 For additional expenses at my property in Spain 1
84 Furniture 2
85 Furniture domestic white goods 1
86 Future bills e.g. car cambelt replacement 1
87 Garden furniture and holidays 1
88 Garden gates, parking area at front of house 1
89 Garden landscaping 1
90 General expense account 1
91 General household expenses 1
92 General living costs / xmas 1
93 General living expenses 1
94 General savings for house repairs etc. 1
95 Go out for the day as a family 1
96 Going on holiday and days out for the children 1
97 Going out - lunch, dinner or towards a holiday 1
98 Going out, clothes, new items for the house 1
99 Going to Capetown for a month Jan 2014 Expensive trip 1
100 Going to France 1
101 Grandchildren 1
109 Helping a family member in need 1
110 Helping our daughter and son-in-law with their church work i 1
111 Holiday 75
112 Holiday and home improvements 1
113 Holiday and wheelbarrow for the allotment 1
114 Holiday and/or baby equipment 1
115 Holiday fund but also extra savings 1
116 Holiday in 2014 1
117 Holiday money and clothes etc. 1
118 Holiday or a car 1
119 Holiday or car 1
120 Holiday or home improvement 1
121 Holiday or home improvements 3
122 Holiday or house improvements 1
123 Holiday or house maintenance 2
124 Holiday or new car 1
125 Holiday or new fire in the living room 1
126 Holiday or re-decoration_x000D_ 1
127 Holiday or things for toddler 1
128 Holiday or towards another mortgage 1
129 Holiday savings 2
130 Holiday spending money 4
131 Holiday spending money or new TV 1
132 Holiday to Florida booked for April 2014 1
133 Holiday, Home Improvements 1
134 Holiday, Household items 1
135 Holiday, furniture 1
136 Holiday, golf, food and wine 1
137 Holiday, house projects 1
138 Holiday_x000D_ House improvements 1
139 Holidays 11
140 Holidays or Grandchildren or Both. 1
141 Holidays or books 1
142 Holidays or home improvements 1
143 Holidays plus Vintage car maintenance,improvement & running 1
144 Holidays, Grandchildren ,Garden,Charity. 1
145 Holidays, House maintenance 1
146 Holidays, gifts for family 1
147 Holidays, house decoration 3
148 Holidays, house repairs/decoration 1
149 Home improvement 1
150 Home Extension 1
151 Home Improvement 1
152 Home Improvements 5
153 Home improvement 3
154 Home improvement - removal of wall. 1
155 Home improvement and annual holiday 1
156 Home improvement or holiday 1
157 Home improvements 31
158 Home improvements and mortgage 1
159 Home improvements decorating Hall stairs and Landing. New Ca 1
160 Home improvements including new bathroom 1
161 Home improvements or a holiday 1
162 Home improvements or holiday 1
163 Home improvements or holidays 1
164 Home improvements, House Extension 1
165 Home improvements, leisure activities. 1
166 Home improvemetns or a family holiday 1
167 Home improvments 1
168 Houehold repairs or a holiday 1
169 House 5
170 House Extension 2
171 House Extension or Holiday 1
172 House Maintenance 1
173 House Repairs 1
174 House extension 3
175 House hold improvements or holiday 1
176 House improvements 6
177 House improvements, savings, tax bill 1
178 House improvements, such as kitchen & hallway flooring need 1
179 House maintenance 1
180 House maintenance and repair 1
181 House projects 1
182 House upgrades / car 1
183 House_x000D_ 1
184 Household Improvement 1
185 Household Maintenance 1
186 Household Maintenance and Holidays. 1
187 Household and garden Maintenance 1
188 Household appliances 1
189 Household bills 1
190 Household furnishings etc. 1
191 Household goods 1
192 Household holidays save for big item, like new car 1
193 Household improvements 2
194 Household improvements (there is always something that needs 0
195 Household living expenses/Christmas 1
196 Household projects 1
197 Household projects and renovations. 1
198 Household repairs are needed, eg we need new flooring in the 1
199 Household things 1
200 Housing projects 1
201 I think we would put it towards a holiday, or maybe a new ca 1
202 Impending baby 1
203 Improved Double Glazing-5 windows still to do 1
204 Improvements to the house 1
205 Improving hot water system 1
206 Improving the front entrance to house 1
207 Increasing holiday savings or general savings 1
208 Insulating office, morgage 1
209 It will go towards sorting out our heating 1
210 It would be spent on activities / days out as it is the scho 1
211 Kitchen 2
212 LAPTOP 1
213 Leisure 1
214 Log Burning Stove 1
215 Looking to purchase a shed for more storage space. 1
216 Luxury items going for a meal etc. 1
220 Major works in garden or house 1
221 Maybe a holiday, or something for the house 1
222 Maybe a household item that needed replacing 1
223 Meals out, plants for the garden 1
224 Mortgage 2
225 Moving house shortly, so would be useful towards new carpets 1
226 Moving house. 1
227 NEW CAR 2
230 New Boiler 1
231 New Boiler and new front porch 1
233 New Car 1
234 New Carpet for the hallway 1
235 New Furniture 1
236 New Kitchen 3
237 New boiler 1
238 New boiler and new front porch 1
239 New car 2
240 New carpets, decorating house 1
241 New cooker/kitchen 1
242 New dishwasher, new front door, new fire. 1
243 New front door and double glazed windows in front porch and 1
244 New investment 1
245 New kitchen 3
246 New microwave 1
247 New motor car. 1
248 New shower room or new kitchen 1
249 New technologu to allow us to cancel Sky subscription 1
250 New things around the house and clearing debts 1
251 New things for the house i.e saving for new kitchen and rede 1
252 New washer/dryer_x000D_ Repairs to porch 1
253 New window - home building 1
254 New windows 1
255 New windows to replace last two remaining softwood windows o 1
256 New windows, having tree chopped back, new door, home improv 1
257 Next holiday or home improvements 1
258 Next years' summer holiday! 1
259 No current plans 1
260 Nothing specific at the moment 1
261 Nursery fees, as I'm going back to work soon 1
262 Other bills 1
263 Other household expenses 1
264 Other household improvements 1
265 Overdraft 1
266 PReparing to replace a car 1
268 Pay Debt 2
269 Pay it off of credit card bill 1
270 Pay off overdraft 1
271 Pay other bills 1
272 Paying bank loan 1
273 Paying loan off 1
274 Paying off debts 2
275 Paying off house exension 1
276 Paying off our mortgage early 1
277 Paying off the mortgage. 1
278 Perhaps a treat, e.g. a meal out, or something material, e.g 1
279 Possible car repairs or car tax/insurance 1
280 Possible improvements/repairs on the house 1
281 Possibly a conservatory or to go on a holiday 1
282 Possibly a garden update 1
283 Possibly a holiday, weekend away somewhere or jobs which we 1
284 Possibly a new car 1
285 Possibly a new family car. 1
286 Possibly decorating 1
287 Predominantly foreign travel 1
288 Probably a holiday 1
289 Probably a holiday abroad. 1
290 Probably a holiday. 1
291 Probably normal household expenditure/bills in view of incre 1
292 Probably put towards items required for a vegetable plot we 1
293 Probably towards 2012 holidays. 1
294 Property 0
295 Property improvements - Replace existing patio doors with Fr 1
296 Put it towards a holiday with my children or partner 1
297 Put towards buying new house. 1
298 Put towards extension on house. 1
299 Putting it towards a cruise or an apartment holiday in Major 1
301 Redecorating 1
302 Refurbish cloakroom 1
303 Renewing the electrics in the house 1
304 Renovating the garden 1
305 Renovating the house 1
306 Repairs and renewals 1
307 Repairs and/or decorating 1
308 Repairs to house or garden, or clothes, andn family. 1
309 Replace old furniture 1
310 Replace windows at the front of the house. 1
311 Replacement white goods 1
312 Replacing Patio Door double glazing glass units 1
313 Replacing worn out items. 1
314 Rug, decorating or kitchen worktop 0
315 Save for a holiday/pay mortgage 1
316 Save it 1
317 Saving for a replacement car 1
318 Saving for holiday 1
319 Saving for the purchase of a narrowboat. 1
320 Saving up for a holiday and a new fireplace 1
321 School fees or saving for a holiday/home improvements 1
322 School fees. 1
323 Seasonal expenses eg Xmas. 1
324 Short term savings 1
325 Short term savings. 1
326 Sixth form college student expenses. 1
327 Skking Holiday 1
328 Something for house and/or holidays. 1
329 Something for the home, probably 1
330 Something for the house (probably new carpet) 1
331 Something for the house or the children. 1
332 Something necessary rather than desirable 1
333 Something required for the house/maintenance 0
334 Something that is not a necessity 1
335 Something we needed anyway, to reduce its cost 1
336 Something we needed, when we needed it 1
337 Spend it on grand-children and kittens 1
338 Spend it on house 1
339 Spend it on school summer holidays and day trips with the ch 1
342 Taking Granddaughter on cruise to mark leaving school 1
343 Tax bill or house improvements 1
344 The Mortgage 1
345 The garden 1
346 The house - DIY 1
347 There's always something that we need, therefore a millions 1
348 Things for house and clothes 1
349 Thinking of updating our kitchen. 1
350 To update the car 1
351 Towards a holiday or towards work on the house. 1
352 Towards a holiday/ home improvement 1
353 Towards a new bathroom and other house improvements. 0
354 Towards mortgage 1
355 Travel 5
356 Travelling and a car 1
357 Trip to Cyprus 1
359 Unknown at this time. 1
360 Upcoming extension 1
361 Upcoming holidays; new kitchen 1
362 Upgrading the house and maintenance 1
363 Upgrading/repairs to my home 1
364 Uprated Everest Double Glazed Front Door rated 'A+' 1
365 Upvc windows & soffits/ fascias 1
366 Visit Australian relatives 1
367 Visiting ourgrandchildren in Denmark 1
368 Visits to our grandchildren in Denmark 1
370 We are currently having to transfer money to Spain to deal w 1
371 We are saving for a cruise & some window replacements 1
372 We are saving for a new TV so it would go into our savings t 1
373 We have had to decrease contributions to Child Trust Fund, m 1
374 Wedding 1
375 Wedding Anniversary Celebrations 1
376 Whatever we happen to need at the time 1
377 With the cost of living rising - car fuel or groceries 1
378 Work on a driveway 1
379 Work on house 1
380 Xmas presents 1
381 a day out/treat 1
382 a holiday 4
383 a holiday or towards a car 1
384 a holiday. an outing with the family 1
385 a new car 1
386 a replacement car 1
387 anything 1
388 bills 1
389 building work 1
390 buildings work 1
391 car 3
392 car or holiday 1
393 cars need replacing 1
394 city break 1
395 coming holiday 1
396 daughters education 1
397 decorating home 1
398 decorating the house 1
399 depends what crops up 1
400 don't yet know 1
401 double glazed windows 2
402 double glazing 1
403 energy saving coating for roof tiles for whole house and gar 1
404 furniture 1
405 furniture / home improvements 1
406 general living, clothes, household repairs 1
407 go on holiday 1
408 grandchildren holidays the house 1
409 heating 1
410 holiday 37
411 holiday / household repairs 1
412 holiday and home improvement 1
413 holiday and student fees 1
414 holiday expenses 1
415 holiday money 1
416 holiday or break away 1
417 holiday or home improvement 2
418 holiday or home improvements 1
419 holiday or house improvements 1
420 holiday or maybe a weekend away or a day out. 1
421 holiday or mini break 1
422 holiday or new car 1
423 holiday or pay off visa bill. 1
424 holiday, days out 1
425 holiday, home improvement 1
426 holiday, home improvements, school fees 1
427 holiday, large household items 1
428 holiday,clothes, washing machine 1
429 holiday/car 1
430 holiday/household improvements 1
431 holidays 7
432 holidays or home improvements 1
433 holidays, home improvements 2
434 holidays, home imptovements 1
435 holidays, laptop 1
436 holidays, new bathroom 1
437 holidays, sorting out the electrics 1
438 home improvement 2
439 home improvements 15
440 home improvements / decorating 1
441 home improvements and a holiday 1
442 home improvements and holiday 1
443 home improvements and tax 1
444 home improvements or holiday 1
445 home improvments or holiday 1
446 house 1
447 house building 1
448 house decor/furnishings 1
449 house decoration/electrics 1
450 house extension 1
451 house improvements 2
452 house improvements or a holiday 1
453 house maintenance 1
454 house refurbishments or a holiday 1
455 house repairs 1
456 household decoration 1
457 household improvements 1
458 household repairs 1
459 household rpairs 1
460 household, garden, holiday 1
461 improving the home 1
462 items for new baby 1
463 just living in general e.g. necessary clothes 1
464 kitchen refurbishment 1
465 laptop 1
466 living expenses or short breaks 1
467 loft ladder, double-glazed windowns at the back 1
468 luxuries/holidays 1
469 luxury item 1
470 maintenance on house and garden 1
471 major household purchase or garden project 1
472 maybe treats on holiday 1
473 meal out or some other treat 1
474 mortgage or loan repyment 1
475 mortgage repayment 1
476 mortgage, 1
477 moving house 1
478 new bathroom 1
479 new boiler 2
480 new car 4
481 new furniture, things for house 1
482 new kitchen 3
483 new kitchen/holiday 2
484 new windows 2
485 new windows, night out, clothes 1
486 normal expenses and clubs/activities for the boys 1
487 nothing in particular 1
488 on a holiday 2
489 pay off credit card debts 1
490 pay off debts 1
491 pay off some debts 1
492 paying off debts 1
493 paying off debts, holidays 1
494 paying off our mortgage 1
495 planned holiday 1
496 pleasure 2
497 possibly an extension 1
498 probably food or clothing 1
499 property maintenance 1
500 put it towards a holiday 1
501 put towards a holiday 1
502 put towards a holiday or new kitchen 1
503 redecoration of house 1
504 reducing debts 1
505 refurbish the ensuite bathroom, another patio in the garden 1
506 refurbishing our bathroom 1
507 renewing kitchen 1
508 renovating the house, painting and doing the garden 1
509 saved towards a summer holiday 1
510 saving for a newer car 1
511 saving for an extension 1
512 saving up for a holiday 1
513 school fees, holidays 1
514 school trips. ballet lessons. 1
515 somethign for the house 1
516 something for a son 1
517 something for the home or garden,maybe a holiday 1
518 spend it the house or holiday 1
519 towards a holiday. 1
520 towards an additional holiday 1
521 trailer for car for camping trips 1
522 travel 1
523 travel to see grandchildren in Denmark 1
524 uni fees 1
525 university fees 1
526 university fees and expenses for my son 1
527 university tuition fees 1
528 upgrading and repair work in home 1
529 vacation 2
530 washing machine, kindle 1
531 what is needed at the moment eg washing machine 1
532 would like to buy a camper van 1
533 xmas! 1
Sysmiss 710
DisclaimerPlease note that these frequencies are not weighted.
LocationRole of Community-Based Initiatives in Energy Saving, 2010-2014